Friday, March 16, 2007


I'm opening mail. I'm sluggish, and my stomach feels like a wave machine operating on medium power. Perhaps drinking a bottle of wine, sans glass, isnt the greatest idea when you have to wake up and drag your ass to work by 8:30.

I've been temping here for about a month. Everyone's amiable and welcoming, but I still feel like the odd one out. My higher-ups regularly joke about me being 'the help' and when they have "parties" on floor 2, I sit at my desk in the deserted cluster of pods, (the cute name for our cubicals) entering strings of numbers and letters so that Mr X can get his fifteen dollar rebate on the three thousand dollar refrigerator he just bought. Dont get me wrong, it doesnt hurt my feelings to be left out. I dont usually talk to people I work with, the reason being that I'm not here to make friends... I'm here to make money. At least, that's what I tell people when they ask about my co-workers. The real reason: I'm shy and inept when it comes to small talk. Therefore, I avoid it like the plague, and earn brownie points for being so "diligent" and "focused".

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