Thursday, March 29, 2007

Throwing bottles at the train
Nothing better left to do
All the options bled away
now that’s it’s down to just the two
the moon is falling down
but it’s a long walk home
and there’s a dim lit place nearby with
dishes cleaner than our own

we’ve got nothing
we’ve got nothing
we’ve got nothing
nothing to lose
nothing to prove

black swans

She’s laughing at you
Yeah she’s laughing her head off
Well she just can’t believe
How you follow directions
Count once, double up
Count yourself to the moon
But don’t take a step
Don’t you dare make a move

And if there is a way to make the quiet come again
I think I’ll have to wait ‘til I’m good and gone and dead
Can you find the quiet, bring it back to me again?
A gun to shoot the brigadier strutting through my brain
I saw your body
I saw your body
Laid in the ground
They laid you down
At your mother’s feet
At your mother’s feet


Well I've got ideas
Yes, I've got ideas
I can't say them here
No they won’t be safe here
And the men are moving in
And their cars are idling
Bright lights and loud directions
The whites of our eyes catch their reflections

Sneak sneak sneak
Sneak across the state lines
Because we run
They'll say we've got a weak spine

I've got ideas
Yes, you know I've got them
I've got ideas
But the men, they don't want them
But I know people who do
People like me and like you
There’ll be no bright light, no loud directions
No eye whites catching flashing light reflections

Sneak sneak sneak
Sneak into the good place
We’ll show them we can escape

And we’ll follow the water
We’ll let it lead us away
Away from the grit and the grime
Everybody here has got stars in their eyes
But we’ll leave them behind
Along with the grit, the grime and those bright red stripes

Friday, March 16, 2007


I'm opening mail. I'm sluggish, and my stomach feels like a wave machine operating on medium power. Perhaps drinking a bottle of wine, sans glass, isnt the greatest idea when you have to wake up and drag your ass to work by 8:30.

I've been temping here for about a month. Everyone's amiable and welcoming, but I still feel like the odd one out. My higher-ups regularly joke about me being 'the help' and when they have "parties" on floor 2, I sit at my desk in the deserted cluster of pods, (the cute name for our cubicals) entering strings of numbers and letters so that Mr X can get his fifteen dollar rebate on the three thousand dollar refrigerator he just bought. Dont get me wrong, it doesnt hurt my feelings to be left out. I dont usually talk to people I work with, the reason being that I'm not here to make friends... I'm here to make money. At least, that's what I tell people when they ask about my co-workers. The real reason: I'm shy and inept when it comes to small talk. Therefore, I avoid it like the plague, and earn brownie points for being so "diligent" and "focused".